
Delusions of Grandeur

I got a rather strange email from Dafydd Elis-Thomas on Friday in which he said:

If you have already returned your voting paper, thank you for participating in the democratic process. If you have not yet done so, may we ask you to use your vote fully in order of preference. If you are not able to give us first preference, I ask you to consider us as second preference, since this could certainly make a difference to the result.

Dafydd Elis-Thomas, 2 March 2012

We? Us? Since when has he been using such ridiculous, pompous language to describe himself?


Ah, that explains everything.

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Jac o' the North, said...

I've got to get something off my chest.

I disagree with DET's position on most subjects, his attitude to the monarchy, and his taking a peerage. That said, I still can't help liking the slippery old so-and-so and I enjoy our infrequent chats.

Whereas for you, opposition to DET seems very, very personal. Did he run over your cat or something?

Owen said...

Resistance is futile.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't Putin use similar grandiose language? Or is that just the translation?

Anonymous said...

And how come they hasn't written to one?

Anonymous said...

This vilification is distasteful and somewhat troubling and does absolutely nothing for Plaid's cause.What are the author's true motives? DET is one of the outstanding Welshmen of his generation. This MH, on the other hand, behaves like an MI5 or Conservative Central Office plant.

Anonymous said...

We want to make it clear that the last comment was not written by us.

Anonymous said...

We are not amused.

MH said...

I don't have anything personal against Dafydd, Jac, and I don't intend to vilify him either. He's a likeable old rogue. But make no mistake: he is an old rogue. As you say, he's slippery. He's blatantly dishonest and he's vain. That's what makes him totally unsuitable for the job he now wants, irrespective of any differences of political opinion between us.

I think the best way of dealing with his lies is to expose them, as I have in previous posts. But the best way of dealing with his inflated sense of self-importance is to laugh at it, as I am in this one.

maen_tramgwydd said...

We are not amused

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with the first Anonymous.AS for your reply it is not personal, ok pigs can fly.

Anonymous said...

dafydd told us we should ignore the views of the welsh people over the debate of wind farms....i am for renewable but no the exploitation of the ppl!

Alwyn ap Huw said...

We agree with DET on this point, an address (the email in question is an electoral address) should always be submitted in the third person, not in order to claim a "Royal Prerogative" for the individual petitioner, but in order to deflect from the big "I AM".

Lord Elis Thomas, like the other candidates, is standing as a representative of a strand of opinion within the party rather than as an individual, you can vote for them or against them by putting your number against the individual's name. By using WE and US DET is accepting that he is not standing as "Daf the Man", but fronting a team of like minded people within the party.

Perhaps it's an age thing, but I find DET's use of the third person respectful and respectable; had we received an e-mail from him full of "Me, Me. Me" rather than Us and We I might have posted a similarly satirical post to yours (or should that be thine?) on MY fantastic blog site.

Anonymous said...

Neil Mcevoy is a genius the publicity he gets is second to none, here is a true politician that can change plaid cymru, vote DET

Neilyn said...

Love the photo...

"I'd thoroughly recommend that you all lend your votes to Lord Elis-Thomas. After all, it would be nothing short of a complete disaster for The Principality if some left-wing Welsh nationalist spouting nonsense about independence, wind farms and sustainability without the United Kingdom, a state of affairs best described as a mirage, became my First Minister!"...

Anonymous said...

Was it a competition for who can look the most brain-dead?

I think it would be a dead heat.

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