
It's nice to see that Rod Hull has lost none of his ability to look ridiculous ... even without Emu.


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Emlyn Uwch Cych said...

First pick on the right wing, but gets sent off too often to be of any real use!

Plaid Gwersyllt said...

Dwi isio bod yn Sais!

Jac o' the North, said...

If any further proof was needed that Team GB is about politics rather than football, then Rod Richards provides that proof.

glynbeddau said...

Sad,Bad or Mad?

Anonymous said...

The way they have politicised this and ignored the existing footballing conventions is hideous.

And the shirt looks disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Rod Richards is a great asset to Wales. Like Peter Hain, every time he thrust himself into the Mija he reminds us all of why we are nationalists!

Neilyn said...

Oh dear. How sad. Never mind!

Pads said...

Apparently Adidas refused his demands to pay him NOT to wear the shirt.

Anonymous said...

Rods Richards is a bit of an enigma - he has all the attributes to have been an most exemplary man - yet he has fallen at every hurdle. Tragedy really.

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