What sort of kittens?

I've just listened to Eluned Morgan delivering the first Patrick Hannan Lecture.


Towards the end she told the story of a child who, when asked what sort of new-born kittens he had in his box, said they were "anti-independence kittens". A week later she took a friend to see these special kittens and was told by the same child that they were "pro-independence kittens". "Hang on," she said, "last week you told me they were anti-independence kittens. What's changed?" The child said, "Their eyes are open now."

OK, she didn't tell it quite like that. But it was interesting to hear her take on how Labour in Wales made the journey from being an anti-devolution to a pro-devolution party.

Yes, Labour have come a long way in the past thirty years ... but they still haven't quite got the picture.

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Jac o' the North, said...

You know, until the last few days I'd quite forgotten about Eluned Morgan. Now I know why.

Owen said...

Eluned Morgan is one of these politicans who could've really made a impact on Welsh politics but decided to become a bag carrier down the M4 or elsewhere to "further their career".

Like Jac I'd forgotten about her and in a few weeks everyone else will forget about her too as she parks her arse on a red bench for a role that in any 21st Century democracy would be obsolete.

Before I'm accused of hypocricy, in my opinion Dafydd Wigley shouldn't be there either.

Anonymous said...

Whatever the comments about Eluned Morgan, it is true that she would have made a much bigger name for herself if her career had been in Wales.

Her ancedote reminds me of how things might have panned out with Leighton Andrews. There would have been a time when someone from a liberal background like Leighton Andrews might have assumed that Westminster was the place to go. Nobody could now deny that Andrews has made a much bigger impact in the Assembly than he would have done as an MP. I'm speaking non-ideologically here, just as someone who wants quality politicians in Wales.

On the subject of the second chamber it's similar. It would be a devastating loss to Plaid in my opinion if Eurfyl ap Gwilym was to go there (as is the plan), he is actually better use to them as an unelected adviser more or less based in Wales, than an unelected semi-politician more or less based in London.

Cibwr said...

On the upper house I am a pragmatist, we need representation there, so I am content that Dafydd Wigley is there, just hope he renounces his peerage as soon as its replaced by a democratic chamber or we become independent....

MH said...

I suppose it is hard to imagine that Eluned could rise from the political grave after her singing performance on Annoyingly Dour ( ... it's what Peter Hain likes doing with that riding crop that's particularly disturbing, though).

But I thought the lecture was quite good, really. I was particularly interested in what she said about sustainability and the fallacy of continuous economic growth. I didn't think I'd ever hear that from a Labour politician. It's not part of the "any jobs at any cost, and hang the consequences" narrative. Perhaps that explains why there wasn't a place for her in the Assembly after she retired as an MEP, for there was talk about her getting in through a by-election and even becoming leader of the Labour group.

Anonymous said...

Eluned who? What has she ever done for Wales apart from spread a lie (in cahoots with Glennys Kinnock) that Wales would be excluded from the EU if it chose independence?

I agree that Plaid needs more Lords (though not DET- who is never there anyway, and has come out against independence) to speak for Wales until they manage to abolish it.

Eurfyl ApG at Abertawe guildhall tonight 7 pm - edrych 'mlân mas draw!

Celticus said...

How come BBC Not Wales employs her to deliver its first Patrick Hannan lecture? And the future Lord Howells of Gaza getting oodles to prattle on about Art, Kinnock on Sport, etc?

I think we need a Leo Abse-style investigation into Broadcasting House, Llandâf.

Anonymous said...

thanks for flagging this up.

The subject matter grabbed headlines obviously, but anyone with a mild knowledge of Welsh devolution, never mind Patrick Hannan's journalistic instincts could have driven a coach and horses through the inconsistencies and frankly laughable claims that Elunded Morgan made throughout the whole lecture about Labour, its attitude to devolution in Wales. I never knew she had such a soft spot for Neil Kinnock.

I also didn't know whether to laugh or cry on her claims about Labour needing to engage with Welsh business. Surely someone should ask what would Wales be like now if Labour had come to that conclusion 30 or 40 years ago, but at least in the same passage there was acknowledgement that Labour has been openly hostile and suspicious of the private sector in Wales and Wales is the poorer in all ways as a result.

If this was at UK or even Scottish level there would be debate and discussion about what it all meant, here in Wales where in the paid Welsh media has any decent critique of this lecture been made - nowhere is the answer and that is about all I agree with Eluned Morgan on that Patrick Hannan and his type of probing journalism is missed and why Labour keeps getting away with switching positions for electoral gain because no one has the reach, credibility with the electorate or guts to call Labour out on it.

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