Dydd Owain Glyndŵr

Campaigning for independence ... and two national holidays for Wales!


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Anonymous said...

A patriotic Glyndŵr Day to all. Do people have any photos of Glyndŵr events or flags to celebrate the day.

Ond a more serious note, I hope to God those boys stuck in the Gleision mine are well and that a part of Glyndŵr's never say die spirit - and the spirit of other brave miners - is with them now.

Byddwch ddewr - mae Cymru tu cefn i chi, ddynion.

MH said...

I'm sure we all share hope for the trapped miners, and our thoughts and prayers are with their families. Sadly, as I write this, a second miner has been found dead.

Neilyn said...

I'm told that Owain's banner was flying above Beaumaris Castle today. Iechyd da, Longshanks!

The worm appears to be turning, at an increasing pace.

Bythol heddwch i'r pedwar yn y De.

MH said...

The news that all four of the trapped miners have been found dead has cast a long shadow on the day. Perhaps it feels worst because of the cautious optimism of last night; perhaps it's because we have had more than our share of mining tragedies over the years and this reminds us of them and adds to the feeling of loss.

Obviously the families will be devastated, and our thoughts and prayers are with them. The three that did make it out on Thursday now have more reason to be thankful. The hard work of the rescue teams deserves nothing but praise, and the support of the local community shows that the worst events can bring out the best in us.

Anonymous said...

A moving piece from Jan Morris in the Guardian

Cibwr said...

Jan Morris is a fantastic writer, her words echo my own thoughts. It seems that in may ways we are defined by these tragedies, my heart goes out to the families and friends of the four.

Anonymous said...

A few thoughts from the tragedy:
(1) noticeable that it was South Wales Police but Mid & West Wales Fire & Rescue. These really should be co terminous.
(2) Peter Hain trying to hog the media - leech
(3) The state of some of these private drift mines - looked like the third world.

A very sad outcome.


Cibwr said...

Penddu, there are three fire and rescue services and four police force areas, 7 health boards and now 6 regional consortia - I agree its a mess.

Peter Hain did get in quite a bit, but he is the local MP so understandable. Private mining does not have a good reputation.

Anonymous said...

did Owain Glyndwr destroy any castles in llanelli, wales?

MH said...

I'm not sure that he did, Anon. He captured the nearby town of Cydweli (Kidwelly) and laid siege to the castle there in 1403, but he didn't capture it.

Weble (Weobley) castle on the north Gower was attacked and damaged by him in the same year. Casllwchwr (Loughor) would have been on his path, but I can't find any reference to him attacking it. However there's very little of it left now, while the other two are in fairly good condition.

I don't know of any other old castles around Llanelli.

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