Take Back Parliament

I'd imagine many of us will have read this article by George Monbiot from the bloglist on the right or in the Guardian:

     Low-Hanging Fruit

It's one thing to blog about the issues or talk about them in the media, but at the moment the real negotiation has to take place in private between the parties concerned and we must leave them to it.

But while that happens, one thing the rest of us can do is show them how much the principle of reforming Parliament and the way it is elected matters. That's what TakeBackParliament has been set up to do. Please sign the petition.

This is a video of one of the rallies they've organized. They are planning a series of them, although none yet in Wales. Details are on the website.



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Anonymous said...

A most admirable movement! I joined a few days ago, where I would guess they got my e-mail from George Monbiot ( they do ask you to share your mailing list with them!).

Could Plaid join, as a group?

By the way - Any Questions is in Gowerton on the 21st of May - tickets available from the organiser


Steve Pillinger,
c/o Gowerton School
Cecil Road

Anonymous said...

There is going to be a Take Back Parliament rally in Wales infact!

This saturday! - Cardiff city hall lawn, at 2pm, a march to the National assembly of Wales where there will be a protest till 4, and maybe a meeting afterwards on how to organise further Take Back Parliament activities in Wales!

for more information please type 'Take Back Parliament [Cardiff]' Facebook.

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