
A Carton of Orange Juice

As the video so clearly shows, this policeman had genuine reason to fear for his own safety when he was isolated from his fellow officers and threatened by a woman carrying a carton of orange juice as a weapon:


"Not one photograph or piece of footage comes close to reflecting the fear as I turned around to see this crowd and its proximity, both to myself and my officers," he told the court. "At the time I thought, this is it. She is deliberately coming from a blind spot. The reason she is coming from a blind spot is to hide her intention so she can approach and attack her target – me."

Guardian, 31 March 2010


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Anonymous said...

Or maybe I was just not very good at my job so I hit out at her...

Anonymous said...

...Or maybe some crazy bitch wouldn't get out of my face so I gave her a well deserved slap around the chops

Anonymous said...

SPG all over again!

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