Vain and Wane

Betsan Powys has been keeping us abreast of the news about a special meeting of the Welsh Grand Committee to discuss the Welsh Affairs Select Committee's report on the Language LCO.

Apparently the chair of the WASC, Hywel Francis, was not best pleased that Peter Hain had unilaterally announced the meeting on the Wales Office website without talking to anyone—not least himself—about it first. He's now thrown a wobbly, and it looks like the meeting's off.

Of course if you go to the Wales Office site, you will see a nice picture of the luminaries:


And will see a mention of the unilateral announcement in the box called "Latest News".

However, if your first port of call at Ty Gwydyr just so happens to be the Welsh version you will be left in total ignorance ... even several days after the event.

There must be an explanation. Yes, it's buried in the blurb of their Welsh Language Scheme:

Press Notices

27. We will continue our policy of preparing press notices in the language of the media most likely to use them. This may be Welsh and English, Welsh only or English only.

Yes it's obvious, isn't it? None of us could reasonably expect journalists in BBC Cymru, S4C, Golwg, Daily Post Cymraeg or one of the other Welsh-medium publications to be interested in—let alone be likely to print or broadcast something about—the progress of the Welsh Language LCO. So why should an ordinary visitor to the Welsh version of the website expect it? ... or, for that matter, a Welsh-speaking member of the WASC?

"Continue" the good work, boys. If you keep Yr Wasg in the dark, it's only fair that you keep the WASC in the dark too.

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